

郦波老师祖籍江苏省丹阳市,早年毕业于南京师范大学, 中国古典文学与文化专业博士,国内首位文牍学研究方向博士后,南京师范大学教授,江宁织造博物馆馆长。江苏地域文化研究会副会长兼秘书长,曾国藩国际研究会副会长,中国文章学会常务理事,江苏省青联常委。获评由搜狐网、评师网举办的全国名师评选之“中国百佳教授”、“江苏十佳教授”与“通识课程十佳教授”。国务院海外讲学特聘专家,教育部全国公开课讲座教授,全民阅读形象大使,央视、北京卫视、湖南卫视、江苏卫视、凤凰卫视特约文化嘉宾,“中国汉字听写大会”、“中国成语大会”文化嘉宾。

2007年,老师受邀参与录制江苏城市频道评说类节目《万家灯火》, 长期稳居该节目收视率第二高,开始被广大观众熟知。2009年, 老师再次受邀参与录制中央电视台著名文学类节目《百家讲台》,主讲《大明名臣:风雨张居正》《大明名臣: 抗倭英雄戚继光》《大明名臣:“救时宰相”于谦》《大明名臣:清官海瑞》和《曾国藩家书》。除此以外,郦波老师还出版了多本国学历史类书籍,秉承了他一贯风趣幽默,通俗易懂的风格,深受读者喜爱。已出版《王世贞文学研究》(中华书局)、《万历首辅张居正》(台湾麦田出版)、《曾国藩教子十法》(复旦大学出版社)等专著十余部。其中《王世贞文学研究》(中华书局)获政府社科研究奖,《评说曾国藩家训》(民主法制出版社)获中国出版集团年度图书大奖。从大学讲台到电视讲坛,从传道授业到佳作不断,郦波老师鼓励更多的年轻人尊重和理解悠久的华夏文明。

CHSC has invited well-known scholar Mr. Li, Bo, a master of Chinese culture, to Canada for giving a seminar.

The seminar aims to explore the present situation of Chinese civilization in Canada and discuss feasible plans to protect classical Chinese culture heritage. Mr. Li was born in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province in 1972. He obtained the doctor degree in Chinese classical literature and post-doctoral degree in Chinese language and culture of the professional literature in Nanjing Normal University in his early years. As a professor and master tutor, Mr. Li is currently working at Nanjing Normal University.

In 2007, Mr. Li was invited to record the TV show “A Myriad Lights of the City” in Jiangsu City Channel. His speech long ranked as the second-highest program ratings of this show during that time. Since then, Mr. Li has begun to be familiar by the general audience.

In 2009, Mr. Li was once again invited by CCTV to participate in recording the famous literary program “CCTV Lecture Room” as a main speaker. In addition, he has also published several history books these years. Adhering to his sense of humor, straightaway style, these publications are popular among the readers. From the University podium to the TV lecture shows, from imparting knowledge to writing books, Mr. Li encourages more and more young people to respect and understand the long history of Chinese civilization.